pembelian cengkeh bahasa Inggris
- pembelian: purchasing; purchase; acquisition; shopping; buy;
- cengkeh: clove; eugenia aromaticum; syzygium aromaticum;
- cengkeh: clove; eugenia aromaticum; syzygium aromaticum; eugenia caryophyllatum; clove tree; cloves
- pembelian: purchasing; purchase; acquisition; shopping; buy; republic of kenya; buying; learning; grab bag
- bumbu cengkeh: pimento; pimiento; bell pepper
- cengkeh ekspor: exported clove
- cengkeh impor: imported clove
- minyak cengkeh: oil of clove
- tanaman cengkeh: clove plant
- negeri penghasil cengkeh: clove-producing country
- agen pembelian: purchasing agent; supplies
- agent pembelian: buying agent
- akun pembelian: purchase account
- aplikasi pembelian: purchasing application
- bagian pembelian: purchase department; purchasing department